
R. Ferrini, O. Nicolet, S Huber, L. Zuppiroli, S. Chappellet, C. Lovey, J. Perrenoud, M. Pauchard. Fluorescent nanopigments: Quantitative assessement of their quantum yield. J. App Phys. vol 107, p. 114323, 2010.

O. Nicolet, S Huber, C. Lovey, S. Chappellet, J. Perrenoud, M. Pauchard, R. Ferrini, L. Zuppiroli. Quantum Yield Measurment of Fluorescent Zeolite Nanopigments. Adv. Funct. Mater., vol 19, p. 1877, 2009.

A.G. Caster, S. Kowarik, A. M. Schwartzberg, O. Nicolet S.-H. Lim, S.R. Leone. Observing hydrogen silsesquioxane cross-linking with broadband CARS. J. Raman Spectrosc, vol 40, p. 70, 2009.

A.G. Caster, S.-H. Lim, O. Nicolet, S.R. Leone. Chemically selective imaging with broadband CARS Microscopy. Spectroscopy, vol 21, p. 9, 2006.

S.H. Lim, A.G. Caster, O. Nicolet, S.R. Leone. Chemical Imaging by Single Pulse Interferometric Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy. J. Chem. Phys. B, vol 110 p. 5196, 2006.

A.G. Caster, S.-H. Lim, O. Nicolet, S.R. Leone. Chemically selective imaging with single pulse CARS microscopy . Abstrats of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2006.

O. Nicolet, N. Banerji, S. Pagès, E. VautheyEffect of the Excitation Wavelength on the Ultrafast Charge Recombination Dynamics of Donor-Acceptor Complexes in Polar Solvents. J. Phys. Chem. A, vol09, p. 8236, 2005.

O.Nicolet. Dynamique de recombinaison de charge ultrarapide dans des paires d'ions. Thesis (University of Geneva), 2005.

O. Nicolet, E. Vauthey. Effect of excitation wavelength on the charge recombination dynamics of excited donor acceptor compexes. Femtochemistry and Femtobiology, p. 331, 2004.

R. G. Fedunov, S. V. Feskov, A. I. Ivanov, O. Nicolet, S. Pagès, Eric Vauthey. Effect of the excitation pulse carrier frequency on the ultrafast charge recombination dynamics of donor-acceptor complexes. J. Chem. Phys., vol 121, p. 3643, 2004.

D. Dogadkin, E. Dolotova, V. Soboleva, M. Kuzmin, V. Plyusnin, I. Pozdnyakov, V. Grivin, E. Vauthey, P. Brodard, O.Nicolet. Mechanism of exciplex decay: The quantum yields and the rate constants of radical ion formation from exciplexes with partial charge transfer. High Energy Chemistry, vol 38 , p. 392, 2004.

E. Dolotova, D. Dogadkin, I. Soboleva, M. Kuzmin, O. Nicolet, E. Vauthey. Lifetimes of partial charge transfer exciplexes of 9-cyanophenanthrene and 9-cyanoanthracene. Chem. Phys. Lett., vol 380, p. 729, 2003.

O. Nicolet, E. Vauthey. Heavy Atom Effect on the Charge Recombination Dynamics of Photogenerated Geminate Ion Pairs. J. Phys. Chem. A, vol 107, p. 5894, 2003.

A. Morandeira, A. Fürstenberg, O. Nicolet, S. Pagès, B. Lang , E. Vauthey. Ultrafast Photochemistry. Chimia, vol 56, p. 690, 2002.

O. Nicolet, E. Vauthey. Ultrafast Nonequilibrium Charge Recombination Dynamics of Excited Donor-Acceptor Complexes. J. Phys. Chem. A, vol 106, p. 5553, 2002.

O. Nicolet, E. Vauthey. Non-Equilibrium Charge Recombination Dynamics of Excited Donor-Acceptor Complexes. Ultrafast Phenomena XIII, p. 432, 2002.

J.-C. Gumy, O. Nicolet, E. Vauthey. Investigation of the Solvation Dynamics of an Organic Dye in Polar Solvents Using the Femtosecond Transient Grating Technique. J. Phys. Chem. A, vol 103, p. 10737, 1999.


R. Ferrini, U. Fuerholz, O. Nicolet, M. Pauchard, J. Perrenoud, L. Zuppiroli .Optisches Element und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung . EP 2164302 A1, 2010.

R. Ferrini, U. Fuerholz, O. Nicolet, M. Pauchard, J. Perrenoud, L. Zuppiroli .Optical element and process for its preparation . US 8350233 B2, 2009.